As people move storage from direct host attachment into a shared SAN storage infrastructure, they're adding complexity to the picture. 当人们将存储从直接主机连接转移到共享的SAN存储基础设施中时,复杂性随之增加。
Even minimal alteration in peplomer integrity through glycoprotein peroxidation could impair attachment to host cellular membranes foiling viral attachment and penetration. 囊微粒只要有任何缺或即使最轻微的结构改动损便(通过糖蛋白的过氧化作用),会害与宿主细胞膜接合的部分胞。
But there are few study on the early interaction between Rhizobium and their host plant, especially before attachment of bacteria on root hair. 但对于根瘤菌和豆科植物互作初期的研究却很少,特别是在根瘤菌吸附在根部之前的过程。